Andrew's first Halloween was quite a success, if I do say so myself. :) In other words, he looked super cute in his costume, didn't ruin it with any "blow outs" or projectile spit-up, and was very well behaved at the annual Rockburn View Halloween party. We started the day's festivities with a visit to the doctor's office for a weight check (not typically a part of Halloween, but it was great to see his weight). For those keeping track, Andrew weighs in at a hefty 9lbs, 9oz. From there we went to visit Nana at the Sheraton, where he was a huge attraction - everyone loves a baby in a Halloween costume. When we got home, Grandma Rose came over for a visit. Once nightfall came, we all sat outside on the front step and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Then it was off to the party, which Andrew slept through. But, at least he was quiet and well-behaved. :) Next year we will have to hit the pavement and go trick-or-treating!

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